Linux Generic Support - BackupEDGE 3.x

BackupEDGE and its disaster recovery component RecoverEDGE are tested against and support a number of Linux distributions from three families...

  1. Support for the Red  Hat  Enterprise Linux Family, including CentOS, Oracle Linux Server, Fedora and Scientific Linux.
  2. Support for the SUSE Family, including SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), OpenSUSE, and LEAP.
  3. Support for the Ubuntu Family.

All Linux distributions outside one of the above three families fall under one of the following two Support Levels...

BackupEDGE 3.x Supported List - As of September 23, 2020
Operating System Release Supported Support Level Minimum Release Required
Specific Information
Other Standard Linux Distributions NO 4 BackupEDGE will run on almost any Linux distribution without the specific feature limitations listed below. RecoverEDGE may or may not work, but is not supported.
Distributions Missing Specific Features NO 5 Operating system or kernel releases missing specific features required by BackupEDGE are NOT supported. For example, releases which do not have /proc/scsi/scsi support cannot be used.
Support Level Description
4 Non-Supported Product - Installable. BackupEDGE may be installed / licensed / registered / activated for these platforms. Support and Maintenance Subscriptions may be renewed or extended after the initial support period for product update purposes only. However, no support of any kind will be given to these products.
5 Non-Supported Product - Not Installable. BackupEDGE may not be installed / licensed / registered / activated for these platforms. Even if activated inadvertently, no support of any kind will be given to these products. Support and Maintenance Subscriptions are not available.

Last Updated - 2020-09-23

