Setting Up Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage in EDGEMENU
Requires BackupEDGE 03.04.02 build 1 and later.
To use BackupEDGE with the Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage (, a working knowledge of BackupEDGE and Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage is expected. There are initial setup steps required on both the Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage web site and in the BackupEDGE user interface (EDGEMENU):
- Creating Buckets and Keys in Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage (must be done first).
- Setting up BackupEDGE in EDGEMENU.
EDGEMENU Initial Setup
The following information from Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage is required to create an S3CLOUD Resource in BackupEDGE...
- Bucket Name
- Endpoint
- Access Key ID
- Secret Access Key
All BackupEDGE storage is addressed through Resources.
After obtaining the above-listed information from the Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage web site (must be done first), a Resource must be created in EDGEMENU.
- As root, launch EDGEMENU in either graphical (x-Windows) or Character (ncurses) mode. Both modes are provided as many Linux servers are installed without a graphical user interface (GUI).
- Select [Admin] then [Define Resources] then [NEW].
- Select [S3 Cloud Storage (s3cloud)], then [Next] to get to the Resource Information Screen.
Information required (explained)
Graphical Mode Example
Click for Character Mode Example
Use the following as a guide to complete the Resource Information form...
Brief descriptions of many of the form fields are shown below. See Section 13 of the BackupEDGE User Guide for more detailed instructions.
- The Description may be changed to help easily identify the Resource.
- The Directory is any directory you want created under your Bucket on Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage. The hostname is a typical reference here.
- The Bucket is your Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Bucket as previously defined.
- The Access Key is your Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Access Key.
- The Secret Access Key is your Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Secret Key.
- The S3 Cloud Endpoint is your Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Endpoint, based on the storage Region. The Endpoint will be "". For instance, if the Region is us-east-1, then the Endpoint is "". CLICK HERE for a list of Endpoints.
- The Quota is the maximum anount of data BackupEDGE may keep stored on Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage.You may adjust this as appropriate to match storage needed with budgetary restraints.
- The [S]oftware Compression Level may be adjusted as desired to balance storage space and CPU time. There are nine levels available, plus [N]one.
When you've entered all of the information, the form should look something like this:
When complete, click [Next] to save the Resource. Remember that you must Initialize the Resource before using it either as the Default Resource within EDGEMENU or within a Scheduled Job.
Character Mode Example
Click for Graphical Mode Example
Use the following as a guide to complete the Resource Information form...
Brief descriptions of many of the form fields are shown below. See Section 13 of the BackupEDGE User Guide for more detailed instructions.
- The Description may be changed to help easily identify the Resource.
- The Directory is any directory you want created under your Bucket on Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage. The hostname is a typical reference here.
- The Bucket is your Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Bucket as previously defined.
- The Access Key is your Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Access Key.
- The Secret Access Key is your Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Secret Key.
- The S3 Cloud Endpoint is your Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Endpoint, based on the storage Region. The Endpoint will be "". For instance, if the Region is us-east-1, then the Endpoint is "". CLICK HERE for a list of Endpoints.
- The Quota is the maximum anount of data BackupEDGE may keep stored on Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage.You may adjust this as appropriate to match storage needed with budgetary restraints.
- The [S]oftware Compression Level may be adjusted as desired to balance storage space and CPU time. There are nine levels available, plus [N]one.
When you've entered all of the information, the form should look something like this:
When complete, select [Next] to save the Resource. Remember that you must Initialize the Resource before using it either as the Default Resource within EDGEMENU or within a Scheduled Job.