Either fix the permissions on the kernel or re-link a new
kernel (which will then contain symbol information) and
then create recovery diskettes.
Permissions on /unix & /stand/unix should consists
of read permsissions for both user and group.
If you take a listing of /unix & /stand/unix the permissions should
be as follows:
r--r----- bin mem {file size} /unix
r--r----- bin mem {file size} /stand/unix (OS 5 only)
If your kernel's permissions are different, change it by issuing a
chmod 440 /unix, and press enter.
If you are running OS 5 /stand/unix is on a read only filesystem
and the permissions can't be changed unless you unmount /stand and
remount it as read write. This is best accomplished in single user
mode. A better alternative would be to re-link a kernel and let the
operating system handle it.
To re-link the kernel type:
Follow the prompts, when complete then you may attempt to generate
your diskettes.