My RecoverEDGE boot CD/DVD would hang while reading multiple disk archives.
RecoverEDGE boot grub nodma Linux cd dvd boot media recovery
Product Release(s)
01.02.03 build 2
Operating System(s)
Linux (glibc 2.1)
Linux (glibc 2.0)
Linux (libc)
Problem Description
When booted to the RecoverEDGE cd or dvd, when attempting to list a multiple volume archive, the program will hang at then end of the first volume. This will render the keyboard inoperable.
If you've have added to my GRUB kernel line in /boot/grub/grub.conf "ide=nodma" and rebooted the server and
it is disabling DMA on my hdc (CD-RW) device. If you've then made a RecoverEDGE CD
and booted from the CD. But, RecoverEDGE did not use the
"ide=nodma" setting because the listing of the CD volume still hung the server.
Log into our ftp server at ftp.microlite.com/pub/fixes, find the file named re2.ide. Download it to your Linux server, save it to /tmp. Then type:
cat /tmp/re2.ide >/usr/lib/edge/recover2/re2
Remake your boot media, boot to it, and attempt your listing again.
This upgrade will be included into the next release of BackupEDGE.